How to start a career in recruitment

1 year ago •


Recruitment is a fast-paced career that requires strong interpersonal skills, a desire to help others find their dream jobs, and an understanding of the latest technology. Whether you're just starting out or thinking about making a change to your current role, this guide will show you how to start a career in recruitment.

If you’re looking to learn how to start a career in recruitment, you’ll be happy to know that there are many different routes of entry for this industry. You might want to start by looking at entry-level positions in recruitment or consider obtaining specific qualifications such as human resource management. In some cases, your existing experience and academic background might be enough to get you into a mid-level position in recruitment, so it’s worth looking at job descriptions to see what employers are looking for.

As mentioned, there are a few different ways you can start your career in recruitment. Take a look at the tips below to help guide you through this journey:

Figure out your specialisation

The first step to finding your way in recruitment is to figure out what you’re good at. Ask yourself:

• What are the skills and experiences I have that lend themselves well to recruitment?

• What do I enjoy doing? Do I like helping people, or do I prefer working alone? Is there something specific about a job that gets me excited, such as relocating or building teams from scratch?

Once you’ve identified the qualities most important for your career path, it will be easier to determine how best to use them. For example, if you enjoy managing others but aren't interested in sales or marketing roles, then perhaps a headhunting firm would be a more natural fit than an agency specialising in creative industries (although both can offer plenty of opportunity).

Research different companies and roles

Before you start applying for roles, it’s essential to do your research. You need to understand the industry you want to work in, including what roles are available and the type of companies that employ people in those roles.

To find these details, look at job descriptions for similar roles within your chosen industry (usually accessible via industry bodies or trade magazines). You can also check out company websites, job boards or LinkedIn profiles for information about companies and their culture.

So if you’re interested in recruitment careers, then look at recruiter websites or LinkedIn profiles of people who work there now; this will give an idea of how big each company is and where they operate globally as well as help with any cultural issues that may arise during interviews.

Network, network, network

If you're looking to break into the recruitment industry, it's important to network. Networking isn't just about asking for a job; it's about building relationships with people in your target company or industry.

This should be a two-way street: you are listening and learning from them, but you are also giving them something valuable in return. You could share information about your current job or former work experience, share an article or blog post that relates to your work or interests, or give them advice on how they can improve their career path—anything that can benefit them long term. Reciprocity is key when networking!

Apply online and through networking

Most job searching happens online these days, so be prepared to apply for jobs online. There are many places to look for jobs in recruitment, so don't limit yourself to one or two options. To start, you can use LinkedIn to find recruiters and apply through social media or your network.

Another excellent resource to look for opportunities is online job boards. You can also try the more personable approach and visit career fairs where employers interested in hiring new talent are attending. You should also talk with friends who work in the sector; ask former professors if they know anyone who might be looking for someone like you—and then make sure your CV is up-to-date!

Prepare for your interview

When you're interviewing for a role in recruitment, it's important to prepare ahead of time. Research the company that you'll be meeting with, so you have some knowledge about their culture and the needs of their business. Make sure that your CV is up-to-date and includes all relevant qualifications for the job you're applying for. Prepare answers to common interview questions, such as: "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want this job," or "What are your strengths?" You should also know how behavioural questions work (and practice answering them out loud). 

If necessary, ask a friend or family member who has been through an interview before to role play with them; this will help ensure that they are comfortable with answering questions from an interviewer and won't freeze during the actual interview day. Prepare mentally as well as physically by dressing appropriately for every part of an interview process—from first contact through final offer acceptance—and bringing a pen/pencil and paper along just in case there aren't any provided by your interviewer(s).

Recruitment is a rewarding career path

Recruitment can be a rewarding career for people with strong interpersonal skills and a desire to help others find their dream job.

It is important to have good people skills, as recruitment involves dealing with many different types of personalities on a daily basis. For example, when you are interviewing candidates, you have to be able to put them at ease and make them feel comfortable in order for them to give their best answers and show the best version of themselves.

You also need to be able to communicate clearly so that your message is understood by all parties involved in the hiring process: recruiters, clients and candidates themselves.


Recruiting is a rewarding career that can be a great fit for many people. If you’re looking for your next job or just want something new in general, then this could be it! We hope our tips will help you get started on your journey. 


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